Be Happy All The Days of Your Life!

“If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.” (Abraham Maslow)

Sometimes (a lot of times if I am being honest!) I read a quote and I smile. I mean I Beam! I smile from the inside out!
These are little postcards(reminders from the universe) to just be! Be Me…
I had a conversation with a friend today. I thanked her…just for being her. As woman, As people who share this beautiful and complicated universe; we should get to be authentic. We should show respect for ourselves and that energy will allow us to understand and love others just as they are.
Because we can’t change them anyway!
How do we learn to let go of that control or want to control???

I tell my clients and patients a few things I do as habits that I think they can do to embrace their most pure self…to push themselves to be their best. These 3 small things can be a catalyst for real positive change and positive living. Even when we are having a bad day, or pmsing, or sad, or worse!

Try them…What have you got to loose?

1)Wake to empowering thoughts. Carry a Joy Journal or an Art Calendar:
Each Morning write 5 things you love about you!

EXAMPLES: I love that I am very crafty again these days. This week I made Lemon Lotus Bath Bombs. (Recipe here:

Mix in a large bowl.
1 cup of baking powder
1 cup of citrus salt
3/4 cup of cornstarch
1/4 cup Epsom or Sea Salt
6-10 drops of essential oil
In a spray Bottle add 1 cup water and
10 drops of India Tree Veggie based Dye
Bath Bombs

Spray dry ingredients while stirring until sticky for molds but not too much or it will activate the fizzies away:) Press into silicon mold dry 48 hours and then BATH BOMB TIME!

I made some Beautiful Bracelets after being inspired by a girl who owns Bohemian Summer on FB.

I love that I am making time to cook for me and my family.
Sher Loved the fried rice and Chicken we had this week:)
Orange Cashew Chili Chicken

Chicken Cutlets
1 cup Roasted Unsalted Cashews
2 Tbsp Orange Zest
1 Egg
1/8 Cup Milk (I use Almond)
2 tbsp Panko Breadcrumbs
1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour

Wisk Egg and Almond Millk together and set aside.
Add Salt and/or Chinese 5 spice to Panko set aside.
Place Orange zest and Cashews in food processor and pulse until ground…mix into Panko.
Dredge Chicken Cutlet in Flour then egg then breadcrumbs
Cut chicken into cubes…bake at 450 degrees 10-12min
When ready toss in 2 tbsp of Sweet Chili Sauce

Asian Food PicVeggie Fried Rice

1 cup cooked brown rice
1 egg only omelet fried in 1/2 tsp sesame oil and chopped up
Sautéed in 2 tbsp sesame oil small diced Mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus, snap peas, green onion, red bell-pepper and
1 tbsp minced garlic and ginger,1 tbsp soy sauce(low sodium) and 2tbsp honey
Cook for 8-10 minutes
Add in rice, egg, and 2 tsp sesame seeds
(I use toasted and Black)
Serve warm with Orange Chili Cashew Chicken

I love that I am trying new things with Makeup, tonight I wore purple mascara and scheduled my 1st Henna Tat…with the lovely Goddess of Henna.

The number “5” is not as important as making it a daily habit! Write 5…Write 100…Just Write!

2)Don’t make to do lists…you won’t do! Set yourself up for success. Make your lists authentically you.

3)EXERCISE!!!! Gosh, if I said it once I have said it 1,000s of times…in almost every post. Nothing will improve your brain, mood or health like getting physical. I love to run, paddle, yoga…the list goes on and on. Find anything one thing you can stand and DO IT…EVERYDAY!!!

There will be days you don’t want to…BUT you will always feel better after and you can only be happy if you are giving your best to yourself!


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